Schema information

Table of Contents

  1. Schema quick view
  2. International schema information
  3. Selection lists
    1. English
      1. farm entry codes
      2. samplers entry codes
    2. French
      1. farm entry codes
      2. samplers entry codes
  4. Language-independent schema details
  5. Language-specific schema details
    1. English
    2. French
  6. Schema SAIDs

Name: soil
Description: A schema describing soil samples together with water content measurements.
Classification: RDF401
Author: Carly Huitema
Author Email:
ICT Group: Loop

Schema quick view

Attribute Label Description
collect_date Collection Date The date of sample collection
collect_time Collection Time The time of sample collection
date_in Date In The date the sample entered the lab
date_out Date Out The date the sample left the lab
duration Duration The duration of the sample collection
farm Farm The farm where the sample was collected
final_mass Final Mass The final mass of the sample
initial_mass Initial Mass The initial mass of the sample
latitude Latitude The latitude where the sample was taken
longitude Longitude The longitude where the sample was taken
moisture Moisture The moisture content of the sample
paddock_id Paddock ID The paddock ID where the sample was collected
sample_id Sample ID The unique identifier for the sample
sample_type Sample Type The type of sample
samplers Samplers The people who collected the sample
temperature Temperature The temperature at the time of sample collection
time_in Time In The time the sample entered the lab
time_out Time Out The time the sample left the lab

International schema information

Language Name Description
English soil A schema describing soil samples together with water content measurements.
French sol Un schéma décrivant des échantillons de sol avec des mesures de contenu en eau.

Selection lists


farm entry codes

Entry code Label
A Hensall farm
B Guelph farm north
C Guelph farm south
D Lakeridge farm

samplers entry codes

Entry code Label
Aedan Aedan
Isabella Isabella
Lila Lila
Makhi Makhi
Nathan Nathan
Zara Zara


farm entry codes

Entry code Label
A Ferme Hensall
B Ferme Guelph nord
C Ferme Guelph sud
D Ferme Lakeridge

samplers entry codes

Entry code Label
Aedan Aedan
Isabella Isabella
Lila Lila
Makhi Makhi
Nathan Nathan
Zara Zara

Language-independent schema details

Attribute Sensitive Unit Type Character encoding Required entry Format rule Cardinality
collect_date false   DateTime utf-8 true ^(?:(?:19|20)\d{2})-(?:0[1-9]|1[0-2])-(?:0[1-9]|[1-2]\d|3[0-1])$  
collect_time false   DateTime utf-8 false ^([01][0-9]|2[0-3]):[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]$/gm  
date_in false   DateTime utf-8 false ^(?:(?:19|20)\d{2})-(?:0[1-9]|1[0-2])-(?:0[1-9]|[1-2]\d|3[0-1])$  
date_out false   DateTime utf-8 false ^(?:(?:19|20)\d{2})-(?:0[1-9]|1[0-2])-(?:0[1-9]|[1-2]\d|3[0-1])$  
duration false   DateTime utf-8 false ^P(?!$)((\d+Y)|(\d+.\d+Y$))?((\d+M)|(\d+.\d+M$))?((\d+W)|(\d+.\d+W$))?((\d+D)|(\d+.\d+D$))?(T(?=\d)((\d+H)|(\d+.\d+H$))?((\d+M)|(\d+.\d+M$))?(\d+(.\d+)?S)?)??$/gm  
farm false   Text utf-8 true ^[A-Z]*$  
final_mass false   Numeric utf-8 false ^[-+]?\d*\.?\d+$  
initial_mass false   Numeric utf-8 false ^[-+]?\d*\.?\d+$  
latitude false   Text utf-8 false    
longitude false   Text utf-8 false    
moisture false   Numeric utf-8 false ^[-+]?\d*\.?\d+$  
paddock_id false   Numeric utf-8 false ^-?[0-9]+$  
sample_id false   Text utf-8 false ^.{0,250}$  
sample_type false   Text utf-8 false ^.{0,50}$  
samplers false   Array[Text] utf-8 false   -6
temperature false   Numeric utf-8 false ^[-+]?\d*\.?\d+$  
time_in false   DateTime utf-8 false ^([01][0-9]|2[0-3]):[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]$/gm  
time_out false   DateTime utf-8 false ^([01][0-9]|2[0-3]):[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]$/gm  

Language-specific schema details


Attribute Label Description List
collect_date Collection Date The date of sample collection Not a list
collect_time Collection Time The time of sample collection Not a list
date_in Date In The date the sample entered the lab Not a list
date_out Date Out The date the sample left the lab Not a list
duration Duration The duration of the sample collection Not a list
farm Farm The farm where the sample was collected Hensall farm, Guelph farm north, Guelph farm south, Lakeridge farm
final_mass Final Mass The final mass of the sample Not a list
initial_mass Initial Mass The initial mass of the sample Not a list
latitude Latitude The latitude where the sample was taken Not a list
longitude Longitude The longitude where the sample was taken Not a list
moisture Moisture The moisture content of the sample Not a list
paddock_id Paddock ID The paddock ID where the sample was collected Not a list
sample_id Sample ID The unique identifier for the sample Not a list
sample_type Sample Type The type of sample Not a list
samplers Samplers The people who collected the sample Aedan, Isabella, Lila, Makhi, Nathan, Zara
temperature Temperature The temperature at the time of sample collection Not a list
time_in Time In The time the sample entered the lab Not a list
time_out Time Out The time the sample left the lab Not a list


Attribute Label Description List
collect_date Date de collecte La date de prélèvement de l’échantillon Not a list
collect_time Heure de collecte L’heure de prélèvement de l’échantillon Not a list
date_in Date d’entrée La date d’entrée de l’échantillon au laboratoire Not a list
date_out Date de sortie La date de sortie de l’échantillon du laboratoire Not a list
duration Durée La durée du prélèvement de l’échantillon Not a list
farm Ferme La ferme où l’échantillon a été prélevé Ferme Hensall, Ferme Guelph nord, Ferme Guelph sud, Ferme Lakeridge
final_mass Masse finale La masse finale de l’échantillon Not a list
initial_mass Masse initiale La masse initiale de l’échantillon Not a list
latitude Latitude La latitude où l’échantillon a été prélevé Not a list
longitude Longitude La longitude où l’échantillon a été prélevé Not a list
moisture Humidité Le contenu en eau de l’échantillon Not a list
paddock_id ID de paddock L’ID du paddock où l’échantillon a été prélevé Not a list
sample_id ID de l’échantillon L’identifiant unique de l’échantillon Not a list
sample_type Type d’échantillon Le type d’échantillon Not a list
samplers Préleveurs Les personnes ayant prélevé l’échantillon Aedan, Isabella, Lila, Makhi, Nathan, Zara
temperature Température La température au moment du prélèvement de l’échantillon Not a list
time_in Heure d’entrée L’heure d’entrée de l’échantillon au laboratoire Not a list
time_out Heure de sortie L’heure de sortie de l’échantillon du laboratoire Not a list

Schema SAIDs

Capture base: E6JUx2q_fhhRYd5eNgEMpf-i8E-J85cUwtESJy5hwsjw

Layer SAID
cardinality E6DwehssZ_U7KULl1LoSb7PbBrjjgD0aoBGCbsS8b4Cs
character_encoding E6pqc9ZauW6fgArWw8SQhwJIBlfBcNvm-t8vCZOTqJOw
conformance EfsRccYvCeLKrAPHgx9uv-W1ouLX8NqbKZXQWIrLl-JA
entry (en) EGde-cJBqgYM1pCgPcPsH7lhlxksgzHTV9M59vvH8aEQ
entry (fr) EmjVEJE7AK–c2WbGQXziteHcSQ_q77x77ogn9m6kkss
entry_code EoY3xD_i7Sh08O1C-ZOjshGOuU6_4-DvMlWDG4kXQUfs
format EikrVOMd1_CWxt2eOmv0dcT7IDrW8H_O-7NAv-MKDl8o
information (en) EQF9hA5P0_9yFL3qbfiyOOWgPP22t4YTQBLVqgkWxrsI
information (fr) EXD8axZq-N0Ep7m0wzrAUVzCoUmY0LLkePWXZpFbTPLA
label (en) Es7HPsJohdCOJ81TDvIF6Aq79aF2HOA3NRbwaOLaih6E
label (fr) EtGn4Tek5z565WAil9Qk3amD56DETJHM1IzX9kUXNygI
meta (en) E1zyoXMihO6dUg-ENiK1jm2W_Kh4MniRDaVLhtruqtfU
meta (fr) EYqWdhDW_ixnicw-wR_uRqkLlrkfOzoDdEVIdWuhf8-s

Date created: 2024-11-28 10:57:49